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Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
4,6 de 5 estrelles
Enviament gratuït en compres a partir de 40€.
Personalized Gift
Theresa and Name's Time Travels

Aili and Name's Time Travels

26,99 € 26,99 €
Personalitza el llibre ⬇

For all children who love exploration and adventure! Who wouldn't like to travel back in time?

The two delightful main characters in this personalized children’s book are resourceful indeed. One day they decide to build a time traveling ship and venture out into time and space to experience the past! And, with the help of a magic bottle and a little imagination, it is not long before a magic time traveling ship sees the light of day.

The time travels are packed with adventure for the two protagonists. In the Ice Age, the children come astonishingly close to giant woolly mammoths and learn how children of the Ice Age lived. In the Viking Age, they find themselves on board a Viking ship where, lucky for them, the Vikings are on their best behavior. In the Middle Ages, a joust has just begun, and the children help out in the stables during the tournament. The last stop on their journey is the industrial revolution, where the children quickly become occupied shoveling coal aboard a steam engine that has to keep moving to beat a record. In other words, there is action and adventure awaiting on every page of this personalized children's book on time travel!

The book is a fantastic story about traveling back in time, but also contains facts about the historic periods the children visit. The two children in the story can be siblings, friends or cousins aged 5 to 9.

Autor/a: Stinne Lykke Valentin Nordvig
Il·lustrador/a: Jonas Sonne

Franja d'edat
5 a 9 anys
32 pàgines
delivery time
7-10 dies feiners
En estoc
En estoc
Ecoetiqueta del Cigne Blanc
Ecoetiqueta del Cigne Blanc
Tapa dura, paper estucat 200 gr.
Tapa dura, paper estucat 200 gr.

Personalize Aili and Name's Time Travels

Choose Book Size

Write a personalized dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about Child 1

Write the name of the city/town where the child lives.

Information about Child 2

This child can be a sibling, a twin or a friend who is sleeping over at Child 1’s place

Information about Child 1 (and maybe Child 2)'s adults

Write the name of the child's parent/bonus parent. The parent is not illustrated.
Write the name of the child's second parent/bonus parent. The parent is not illustrated.

Extra People

This is the person/people who give Child 1 a bottle of imagination

The person is not illustrated. Do not select the same person/persons as above.
The person is not illustrated. Do not select the same person/persons as above.

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